The Best Boss You Can Be To Yourself

Helen will be speaking about how you can be the best boss that you can be,to yourself. During the session we will cover our expectations of ourselves, how to stay motivated and treating ourselves kindly & handling our mistakes all from the point of view of building a business that is sustainable for your health & wellbeing. We have all had frustrating Managers and we all know when team leadership is good vs when it sucks. Becoming self employed we think hurray I am free of all that rubbish & then we take on all the traits of every bad boss we have ever had and we treat ourselves like C**p. Join me to understand how the be the best boss to yourself that you have ever had.

Helen regularly travels to the States as her boyfriend lives in Buffalo and she has seen Niagara Falls 3 times even when it was frozen. Helen’s passion is in helping women treat themselves with excessive kindness as the best strategy for gaining confidence & making progress.

Helen Calvert

Helen Calvert

Owner, Clear Day

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